Jonathan Miles - Ascent


Acrylic on canvas, 84.1cm × 59.4 cm

“Lake Como

A breeze ripples within the pristine expanse of light,

Below this surface, the deeper recess of the lake endures,

And the network of caves in the surrounding mountains serve as hidden eyes,

That bear witness to both above and below.

Between this a myriad of trees and shrubs pleasure passing human attention

And the nearby church serves as a cipher to the play of both light and darkness,

Redistributing in turn time, expended and anticipated.

So, all is but rhythm,

Concentrated in one passage, intensified in the next.

The lake fixes its immobile gaze.

Retaining silent accord within its depth,


Jonathan Miles

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About the Artist

Jonathan attended the Slade School of Art from 1969-73. He has exhibited at White Columns, New York; Venster Gallery, Rotterdam; Gallery House, Riverside, DomoBaal, and Lychee One, London. He was also the London Editor for ZG Magazine (1980-86) and holds a teaching position at the Royal College of Art since 1995.